Sunday, February 19, 2012

3 A's

I took this post from last Sunday's sermon. We've been doing a series on "The Story of God and You". It's been an awesome series (just like all of ours, actually). But this one in particular I thoroughly enjoyed.

1) A-Appetite:
We all have an appetite for things. But are all those things we have an appetite for, the things we crave.....are these things that are honorable to God? To our body? I'll be completely honest... a lot of things I've put in my body over the years was not really taking care of my "temple". This body is the only one I have and i have to use it and take care of it to the best of my ability. Food aside....there are other things people crave. Things on television, computer. Are the things we take in always honorable to God?

2) A-Affirmation:
We all enjoy it when people like us. Pat us on the back. Do you feel like you have to create drama for people to respond to you? We think too much about "Do people think I'm good?" We look for our identity too much instead of resting in the peace God gives. There is no explanation needed for that. That's pretty sufficient.

3) A-Ambition:
So many people are imprisoned in the addiction for ambition. How to get ahead quicker and be better than everyone else. "keeping up with the Jones'" when I was growing up. Ambition is good as long as it's God given. Why try so hard to be something you aren't? You/I should be at peace. Life is not always what it seems....we have to learn to rest in that which God has given us. For myself as a semi-young adult, this has been the hardest for me. Growing up I had so many dreams of things I wanted. The big house with the big picket fence. The best cars. The prettiest decorations for my home. After all these years I have learn to be content in what I have. My house isn't huge, but it fits the needs of my family. My car isn't sporty, but it's pretty and gets me where I need to go. I don't have diamonds on every finger. I have one that means the most to me and that's all I need. God has provided in ways I never thought possible. So much that I've been able to cut back and not work full time anymore. I can be a mom....which is what I've always wanted to do.

So today, I am grateful for what Griff taught last week. The 3 A's were so pertinent to life, my life.

My God has provided so graciously for me.

I am so truly blessed,

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