Sunday, April 22, 2012

one day

Today marks the one year anniversary of the death of a friend's father. It was very unexpected. It happened during a tornado warning while they were in the basement. Her mom had run upstairs to get something and when she returned he was gone. Less than 5 minutes and God had called him home.

Life is so full of unexpected events. God has said no one knows what the next moment holds. And that truth rings true all the time.

So many times we see a life cut short because of some crazy circumstance no one ever imagined. We've had a few lately of young people killed while driving. One that wasn't wearing her seat belt. Such a senseless way to die. But you know, it really doesn't matter. We all have an appointed time to die......we just don't know when.

Today at Church they sang the song "Be O.K." by Ingrid Michaelson. I've been a fan of hers for some time and really do love the song. It talks about just being okay today. Being okay with who you are and what's happening in your life. I feel like that's the way I try to live my life. Just be okay. I'm alright that I'm still a work in progress. I'm okay with what God has given me......there are many people who have and live with way less. I'm okay with today, because one day, there won't be a me. One of those unexpected events may come my way. Not that I'm ready to die or leave my family, but in the event, at least I know where I am going when my time comes. I know that one day I will be in a place of complete healing. No more pain or sorrow, no more deception and hatred. I will see people who have passed long before me. Some days I think about that and am overwhelmed at the thought of how good and perfect Heaven will be for me.

And I know not everyone believes this, but just think about it. Would you rather spend an eternity in perfection or doomed to a fiery hell? This sounds like a no brainer to me. Think about your one day when you leave this earth.

Be okay today with what you have and don't live like the person you aren't. Let people remember you for who you really are and not what people thought you were.

Be a blessing to someone today. Live as though it's your last.


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

friends and beautiful days

Today I am grateful for the beautiful days we have had and the opportunity to spend it with friends.

I met Michelle and her three kiddos for a lunch and afternoon at the park. And although the kids got tired, hot, and fussy.....and let's face it so did Michelle and myself, we still had a good time. It's amazing how even though we haven't seen each other since Christmas, we picked up just like we talk every day.

The kids have grown so much and we loved watching them play. Alex ran until his heart was content. Even when we came home, we still stayed outside for him to kick his ball and ride his bike. Thank heavens for sunscreen, because his fair little skin definitely needed it on this 85 degree day. Can you believe it? 85 degrees in April!!!!! (That makes me so excited to think we will get out of school on time this year!!!!)

So, thank you God for the time I got to spend with my friend. We are not promised tomorrow, so I'm glad we chose to do this today.

Hope you are having a blessed day as well,
