Sunday, January 1, 2012

The wagon

Today is New Year's Day

The beginning of a new year

I love how people make 1000 different resolutions. Here's the thing. Choose 2 or 3 to stick to and not so many random in a list! And make it realistic people! It's like those people that come in with a birth plan and don't want anyone touching them or their baby. You should have delivered at home!! Anyway....make it something that is real, for you. Something that can really be attained. And make it small in the beginning. It doesn't have to be anything big. If you want to lose weight, just start at 5 or 10 pounds then move up from there. Saying you want to lose 100 pounds over the next year sounds daunting. Choose to say, "living a healthier lifestyle" and it will come. Changes, although we wish they would, do not happen overnight. Stick with a plan, knowing that you will eventually fall off the wagon. The good thing, is that you can always get back on.

So today I am thankful for that little wagon. I've had my share of ups and downs in the weight department. I need to lose a few more. My lifestyle has changed so much with Zumba fitness and for that I am grateful. It's helped me stay on the wagon more often than not and to help others stay on as well.

I've said it more than once, that I am the only one that has been or will ever be created. God created me with this DNA that I have to care for the rest of my life. My goal is to live a healthy lifestyle so that I can be around for my children.

I have the wagon.....sometimes I'm off, sometimes I pull it along, and other times I'm riding in the middle of it.

I made this to share today in my 75 minute Zumba fitness class this afternoon and forgot to do it. I was too excited to be teaching that long. Some of this came from and others from other people.

"Negativity and doubt will build a wall that stands between us and the changes we want to make. Calling yourself fat won't make you thiner. Telling yourself that you can't, won't get you closer to your goals. Making excuses and trying to find shortcuts doesn't make growth any easier. Don't ever give up! If you can't fly, then run. If you can't run, then walk. If you can't walk, then crawl. But whatever you do, keep moving forward.

Greatness takes courage.
Be brave!
Be bold!
Be ready!"

Are you ready?!?!

Find your wagon this year and get on it!!!

Happy New Year's

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