Good and bad there is a time and place for everything.
Most of the people that know me, know I am a planner. I like for things to go a certain way at certain times. I write "to do" lists almost every day. I have calendars out the ying yang because I don't want anything getting missed. Even when I was pregnant wit Ryan, I sent my parents a list of directions on how to get to the hospital from the BG parkway and from I-75 at different times of the day or night. I even went to far as to tell them which lane in which to drive. I like things to go like clockwork.
But, if you know me, you know that doesn't always happen. When I had children I learned that timing couldn't always be, well, "timed" There is no planning with children. I mean, you can plan all you want, but if there is a dirty diaper just before you are to leave, well it may set you back a few minutes (especially in the event of a blow out). Don't you hate being late? Being the one that everyone turns to stare at when you walk in 10 minutes late.......
And things can't be rushed. Children have to be paced to do things. There has to be structure in life for things to flow well. And while it's nice to be a little early, it's not the end of the world to be on time.
So here's my thing about timing. There is a time and purpose for everything. Thank you Bible and The Beatles. If everything flows well and you're on time great. But say you're running late and then you're stuck in traffic. What you may not realize is that 10 minutes earlier there was a massive wreck on the same road you are traveling. You might have been part of that wreck had you not been running behind. Same thing if you're ahead of schedule.
God's timing is perfect. He has a reason for you to do certain things at certain times. Even though we don't always understand why things happen when they do, he knows. He planned this long before we were ever created.
So today I'm grateful timing. I'm thankful for the ways he has used me in times even when I didn't want to do something. I've been called in to work and ended up doing a most beautiful delivery. I've taken care of wonderful families when they've lost a child. It's all part of God's timing and I have to remember that.
I don't know what the good Lord has planned for me in the future......or if I even have a future.
But I do know this. God's timing is the most perfect timing of all. No matter what he does for me or you, there is a reason. So sit back and relax. God has it under control.
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