Wednesday, January 4, 2012

all shapes and sizes

As weird as this may sound, today I am grateful for my body.

What? you may ask....

I know. I don't have a Victoria Secret model body. I'm not even thin. I think I'm actually considered obese according to my BMI. But you know what? It's my body. This one God has given me to live in and support until my dying day. And I am able to move. There are so many people in this world that aren't able to. I walk, run, and dance my heart out teaching Zumba Fitness anywhere from 4-6 times a week. WOW!!! I am blessed!!!!

Being a group fitness instructor has allowed me to see and be seen. People look at me almost every day. My job is to encourage and support people on their journey of fitness. Most of the people in my classes see me as the "real" instructor. I think because I am not that stick skinny, barbie doll leading the class that everyone looks at and says, "wow, I wish I could look like that". What most people don't realize is their body type (those skinny instructors) is their's and their's alone. And most of them have been doing this for 20+ years. I mean, if you worked out for a living for 20 years you'd probably look that way too.

I've only been teaching for a year, but it has changed my body shape immensely. Yes, I was a gym and group fitness junkie for years before I ever began teaching, but it took losing weight for me to be able to say, "okay, now I can do this". Oddly enough, I have the physical stamina that could out move some of those cute little stick figures running around the gym in their "undies". You know the ones.....that wear nothing but the bra and a pair of shorts. But shape has changed. And even though I've gained a few pounds (which I vow to lose, plus some), my body shape is the same. I work hard at what I do and want people to know that we, our bodies, are a work in progress. Changes don't happen over night, or even over a week. Change takes time. As much as we want to blink and lose 50 lbs., it's just not going to happen.

So today, be grateful for the body you have been given by the good Lord above. They come in all shapes and sizes. He made you and knows every part about you.

Take care of it and work on it slowly....

one day at a time.....

And one day, you too, will see and change in your shape and size.

Hope you've had a wonderful Wednesday.


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