They come in many shapes and sizes. And they can include everything from the smallest toy to the largest home.
As I sit here typing this from Mike's newest thing (an iPad he got for Christmas) I am reminded of how many "things" we have. Last night as Ryan was saying his prayers, he thanked God for the things we have and the fact that we can pay for things we need as well as want sometimes. I always finish the prayers and made mention that it could all be gone in the blink of an eye. That if there were to be a fire or an act of God that we could lose it all. Ryan started crying.....mostly because he got scared of there being a fire in the house (and what if I can't get out?). But for him, I think it helps to put it in perspective.
But things are just things. Yes, it would be an adjustment if the things were taken away. Even when we were at Fall Creek Falls in TN and had very limited Internet and phone access, we survived. Was it an adjustment? Yes! Of course it was! But we learned to enjoy each other even more.
So tonight, look around at your "things". I know you can't take it with you, but are you overdoing "things"? Do your kids understand that these are not as important as your treasure in heaven.
For no matter what you have on earth, it's more important what you have stored up for yourself in the afterlife. My home will one day be in heaven and these things will be useless to me. I enjoy them now, but know in the grand scheme of life they're not all that important.
Where are your priorities? Do you have your "things" in order.
Just a thought......
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