Monday, January 9, 2012


Nothing makes my heart happier than hearing people laugh.....especially my children.

There is nothing like it in the world. Whether they are playing together or sitting alone watching cartoons.

I love knowing they are happy. And even some times when they aren't....I can make them smile and a little laugh cures all.

I know it's not always that easy to laugh, but letting it out feels so good. It's such a release. Even if you are feeling down or have a headache...think of the last time you laughed so hard you almost wet yourself. Or the last time a drink almost spewed from your mouth or out of your nose. Please tell me those things have happened to you and I am not the only one.

So smile today....think of something funny that has happened recently....and let it out.

Let out a laugh and enjoy burning a few calories without moving.

My great hope is to laugh as much as I cry; to get my work done and try to love somebody and have the courage to accept the love in return.
Maya Angelou

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