Sunday, January 8, 2012


I, therefore, the prisoner for the Lord,
urge you to live worthily of the calling
with which you have been called,

with humility and gentleness,
bearing with one another in love,

making every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit
in the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:1-3

Wow! Sometimes things just SCREAM at me!

If you know me, you know I am not a very patient person. I don't do well with people who "just don't get it". I am easily frustrated and after so much will have an outburst.

Things have gotten better as I have aged.

And having children has helped some as well because I learned early on....they "just don't get it". And they're not supposed to. That doesn't make it any easier some days. The littles try my patience daily. And although I try my hardest to be patient and understanding, some days are better than others. My hardest time comes on days like today when I have places I HAVE to get to. And I've worked the night before.....sleep is lacking and children aren't paying attention. They would rather do other things. So would I most days, but as an adult I don't have the option (how we wish we could have the naivety and carefree life of a child again).

As I was working with Ryan on his school work this afternoon (things he refused to complete in class) I was reminded ever so harshly about patience. I get very frustrated when he does something wrong that I know he can do. He is so smart...sometimes too smart for his own good. He would just sit there and stare at the sheet of paper with a blank look on his face. He knows what to do, but chooses to not. My patience wore thin. I raised my voice some and he began to cry. I've always said I would never win mother of the year award. I am not perfect and I have faults. I felt badly for that. If I would have just taken a step back and a deep breath. Isn't that what I tell him to do when he gets frustrated? Sometimes I should follow my own rules.

Slow down.

Take a step back.

Take a breath.

Say a prayer.

Try again.

God please give me the patience I need as a mom. Some days I am overwhelmed with life and my frustration levels seem to peak at the wrong times. Please give me a sense of peace knowing you are there with your hand on my shoulder, guiding me every step of the way. Help me to be the Christian example of a mom I know you want me to be for my boys. Thank you for what you give to me and the patience you have with me as a human sinner. Your blessings are overwhelming. Amen


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