Just a short entry today.....being grateful for the little things.
The sun in the sky and the beach we were able to be on to enjoy it.
Night time thunderstorms.
Walking on the beach alone in the early morning watching the sun rise.
Geese walking across the road without a care.
My boys curling up on the couch together as the best of friends.
Sweet boys that love their mommy :)
A husband that works harder than ever so I don't have to.
A body that allows me to work out, even on days when I don't feel like it.
A job I can go to, and although sometimes rough, more rewarding than most.
A wonderful church with a fantastic kid's ministry.
My home with air conditioning.
Food on my table and in my refrigerator, even when I feel like there's nothing.
Blessings of life that are far too many to list.
My family
I hope today you're grateful for the little things, too